For half a century, generous members of our community have
made a difference in the lives of young people through the Youth Service Bureau. This generosity has allowed us to create opportunities for hope, confidence, and community here in Centre County.
Give for Today
A donation now can be utilized to meet the current goals of YSB. You can see beneficial results of your immediate gift as well as maximize your income tax savings. Ways to donate include: cash, check, credit card, securities or real estate, and charitable lead trusts. Gifts today can be directed to a particular program, or the YSB generally. General gifts will be directed to the program with the most significant need in the current year.
Give for Tomorrow
Through bequests, life insurance, charitable remainder trusts, and gifts into existing YSB endowment funds there are many ways to make kids matter for generations to come. To discuss unique ways to give, contact Kathy Coursen at 814-237-5731 or
Financial Documents
Each year, approximately 17% of our overall budget comes through private giving and our own fundraising events. We are proud of the way we steward these gifts and of the service that results. We encourage you to review our most recent annual report, IRS form 990, and, current funding plan where you will learn that a donation to YSB is a wise investment for your charitable dollars.